There are 15 women in the class, the youngest at 19 and the eldest at 37. There was the occasional awkward silence when we had our break. I think I may have already labelled myself as class idiot, with my bad joke cracking and trying-to-be-funny-to-break-the-ice-moments.
We got started on the basics, Face Shapes: Oval (being the perfect shape), Round, Heart, Triangle, Diamond, Long and I'm sure there was another one. Eventually we will be tested on naming and locating each bone and muscle in the face, eeep!
Skin Colours: we each fall into a season, Summer, Spring, Autumn or Winter. This helps determine what colours are best suited & should be used. Can't quite work out what I am yet!
We also received our fantastic brush kit, supplied by Catalina Geo. The kit is gorgeous, sable hair and if looked after correctly will last just about forever. 

this brush kit, in a black roll bag plus additional foundation brush & eyeliner brush
Keep on the lookout for my next installment! This Wednesday night we do our first lesson in Day Makeup.
hey girl!! you commented on my old blog sale but just letting you know i have another one!! and its updated so if it doesnt say "sold" its available!