Class last night, I was ITCHING to get started. It was our first night we got to experiment with a bit of colour, for an Evening look. I was put into a threesome again, my bad this time as I was 5mins late. But unlike last time I did get a whole face to myself ;) I only did eyes though, due to lack of time. Luckily my girl had a pretty good face of makeup on so it was just a matter of taking off her eye makeup, concealing the eyes and getting some colour on them. When I started applying the navy blue colour to her eyelid, I just said to her "oh man what am I doing!?" but after not too long, I was done and pretty happy with the result. Looking back I know a few things I'd change. Also, I think I need to dumb down the shimmer shadows (to be more age appropriate) what do you think?

I have used Mac Indigo eye Pencil on half of the eyelid and smudged/blended that, then pressed in a navy blue shimmer shadow. Used a lighter blue in the middle of the lid, then a soft bronze in the corner, shading it out over the blue. Ebony eyeliner pencil on lower lashline with gold shimmer in the corner of the eyes and along lower lash line.