Friday, September 16, 2011

The New

At the start of the year I had a few goals, one of them was to learn a new language.  I started this! Italiano, but unfortunately got bored after 5 weeks, but I believe I'll pick it up again.  Especially since I'm going to Italy, which brings me to another of my goals - travel.

The world is such a big beautiful place, dying to be explored.  So armed with a heavy backpack, I've come to Europe via Malaysia for a 2 month site seeing trip.
This brings me to yet another goal I had, change career.  I quit my job before embarking on this trip.  A job I had for 10 years but in order to open myself to other opportunity, I had to close the door on that job.  So what's next...?

the cake I got on my last day of work
